Jarlshof Shetland Sheep

We decided to add Shetland Sheep to our farm for their exceptional temperaments and size making them easy to handle. We are going to specilize in fine fleece which is great for garments against the skin. We have both horned and polled rams (ewes are polled) in many colors and patterns. Our shetlands are NASSA registered and also FFSSA if possible. My goal is to have all superfine grade 1 sheep, but I will keep one or two fine grade 2 sheep in the flock sometimes based on other merits. I have a picture of the FFSSA wool grading chart below.
I admire the sheep for their health, parasite resistance, easy maintenance, and basic needs. I have never needed to deworm any of my sheep as of yet. They always have great FAMACHA scores. I also haven't had to assist with any births, and the lambs just ump up shortly after birth ready to follow their mothers. They are great at keeping the grass down and maintaining their body conditions with minimal feed. The lambs grow very quickly just on milk. Shetland Sheep have been my favorite breed.
We do annual micron testing for all yearlings and adults.
Herd tested clear of OPP, CL, and Johnes July 2024 through UBRL.
Ewes/Ewe Lambs
**Click on the individual picture to go to NASSA pedigree**
Craigmour Margot
NASSA S 53835
Premium Grade 1
23.2 micron/19.9% CV
92.3% CF |
4/23/2021 |
Craigmour Cassiopeia
NASSA S 53837
Premium Grade 1
22.9 micron/18.9% CV
96.2% CF
4/24/2021 |
Linden Lane Stella II
NASSA S 55573
Grey Katmoget Sweep
Premium Grade 1
22.3 micron/15.9% CV
98.7% CF |
4/16/2022 |
Linden Lane Dott
NASSA S 55813
Black Flecket
Premium Grade 2
25.4 micron/16.6% CV
87.9% CF |
4/17/2022 |
Linden Lane Eclipse
NASSA S 55577
Black Flecket
Premium Grade 1
23.5 micron/18.6% CV
93.5% CF |
4/21/2022 |
Jarlshof Aquila
NASSA S 55463
Grey Katmoget
Premium Grade 1
22.5 micron/17.0% CV
97.4% CF
(Gandolf x Cassiopeia)
5/6/2022 |
Jarlshof Athena
NASSA S 57637
Fawn Katmoget
Premium Grade 1
23.1 micron/15.0% CV
98.3% CF
(Wakanda x Margot) |
3/29/2023 |
Jarlshof Eleanor
NASSA S 59316
tag 0140
Black (spotting factored)
(Gandolf x Dott) |
4/7/2024 |
Jarlshof Cordelia
NASSA S 59315
tag 0147
Grey Katmoget Sweep
(Gandolf x Stella) |
4/9/2024 |
Linden Lane Penelope
NASSA S 59759
black gulmoget |
4/16/2024 |
Ram/Ram Lambs
Linden Lane Alastor AI
NASSA S 59857
(spotting factored)
son of Flitwick Samuel UK |
3/31/2024 |
Linden Lane William
NASSA S 59859
Fawn Flecket Yuglet
polled |
4/9/2024 |
UK Frozen Semen Owned
Wadley Oberon 076919
Ewingston Jacob 076176
grey katmoget
carries spotting
Wadley Poseidon 076921
fawn katmoget
carries spotting
Wadley Peregrine 076920
fawn katmoget
2025 Breeding Plans
Alastor |
William |
Margot |
Stella |
Eclipse |
Dott |
Aquila |
Athena |
Eleanor |
Cassiopeia |
Cordelia |
Penelope |
***Lambs begin to be due March 26, 2025***
2024 Wool Samples

2023 Wool Samples

2022 Wool Samples

Wool Grading Chart off of the Fine Fleece Shetland Sheep Association website

2024 UBRL Biosecurity Panel

Past Rams
Linden Lane Gandolf
NASSA S 55037
Grey Katmoget, Polled
Premium Grade 1
24.2 micron/19.0% CV
92.1% CF |
4/7/2021 |
WhitePine Wakanda
NASSA S 53848
Premium Grade 2
25.2 micron/19.8% CV
85.0% CF
4/10/2020 |