Nigerian Dwarf Goats
We strive to breed top quality ADGA Nigerian Dwarf goats.
Our herd tested clean for CAE, CL, and Johnes in June 2021 through WADDL and CAE/OPP, CL, and Johnes in July 2024 through UBRL.
In 2022 and 2023 we have done linear appraisal through ADGA. We plan to do it again in 2024 as well as begin milk testing.

What are our herd goals?
My over all goal is to have healthy, structurally correct, high volume milking dairy goats. I work on achieving this goal by participating in linear appraisal and in 2024 also doing DHIR milk testing. I've bought animals from herds that show and/or do LA or milk testing. I do expect my mature adult animals (4+ years) to score pretty well at 86 or above. With the young animals, it depends a lot on maturity. I may let a yearling stay if I feel like she is a bit just slower maturing.
I will also be using the milk testing data to further my herd in 2024 and beyond. It is doubtful I will be able to do 10 month lactations simply because we like a vacation now and again. I will most likely be doing 3-6 month lactations and seeing how the numbers do in comparison within the herd and trying to earn milk stars.
When I started, I bought animals from multiple sources. After a couple of years I began to have a better idea of what I wanted in my herd. While you can get great animals, you can't only rely on the herd name on or behind the animals.
I do not keep animals that are prone to worms since that is genetic. I do not keep any goats that need a lot of babying to keep body condition. I also pass on any goats that do not have a good temperament, which is also partly genetic. I need to have fun working with them. It doesn't matter how great they are if they run like wild deer away any time I'm within 100 feet.
Why buy goats from us?
We try to produce the healthiest, well bred goats we can that also have great conformation and udders. No animal is perfect, but the aim is to keep improving with each generation. That is why we do linear appraisal and plan to begin milk testing. It helps having an experienced opinion and hard numbers to make decisions. I try to put up clear conformation pictures of each animal as well as udder pictures.
Yes some people will sell goats cheaper or have more flash (blue eyes, moonspots, etc). While some of my goats have these traits too, it is not my main goal and at the expense of more important traits. Most cheap goats have corners cut from not health testing, no herd goals, and they rarely can give advice as needed due to limited experience with farm animals. It would be heartbreaking to watch a pet slowly die from the easily testable CAE, Johnes, or CL that is then spread to all your other animals. No matter who you buy from, ask about their herd testing and proof of it.
Ask anyone you are purchasing goats from:
1. Do you test for CAE, CL, and Johnes? How often? Can I see the results?
2. Have you ever had signs of or positive tests for CAE, CL, Johnes or any other disease?
3. What vaccines do you do?
4. What biosecurity measures do you take for your herd to prevent disease?
5. What are your herd goals?
6. Do you do any performance programs or show?
7. How often do you check and deworm your herd? How do you deworm? (whole herd at once, as needed, etc)
The more you do with your goats, the more expensive it is. I at a minimum want to make the amount I spend in hay, feed, bedding, minerals and supplements, vet expenses, linear appraisal, ADGA costs, etc. Otherwise I could easily be uner $8-10k each year. I try to have reasonable prices, but I need to cover my expenses.
Feeding the Goats
We feed 2nd or 3rd cut alfalfa hay free choice year around in feeder made with the plans from Premier 1 (highly recommend for cuttingdown on waste hay). We feed Kalmbach feeds. The adults get 16% textured adult, and I do creep feed kide the Start Right Kid mini pellets. I also free choice Kalmback goat mineral with some Zinpro added in for additional zinc. I also give a dose or two a month of Replamin Plus and give Probios as needed. I very rarely need to copper bolus. If they need a bit more, I add some addtional Premier 1 goat trace mineral premix to their regular mineral bowl.
What Do Goats Need
Goats require good fencing to keep them in and keep predators out as well as a shelter to let them stay comfortable out of the weather. The sheep/goat fencing with 4x4 holes does very well, but if you are going to be breeding it is best to get the no climb horse fence with 2x4 holes. Small kids can fit through the 4x4 holes until they are a month old. The shelter does not have to be fancy, but it does need to have a solid roof and siding that stops the wind. Definitely consider ventilation and how easy it will be to clean.Beyond that they just need fresh water, hay, mineral, and feed.
For regular care, goats need their hooves trimmed regularly. They can vary a bit in timing, but it is best to plan on every 4-6 weeks. When I do this, I also check eyelids for a FAMACHA score (checking if they are anemic from parasite load) and overall body condition. This prevents any problems from sneaking up, and you can treat for worms before it becomes a major problem.
The other main need, is goats need to have other goats. Goats are absolutely not happy alone. Two is ok, but a group of 3 or 4 is a bit better in case one has to be separated with birthing or injury. That way the other will still have a friend.

Sales Policy
We reserve the right to keep any of our kids from any breeding.
To reserve any individual goat, kid or adult, we require a deposit of 50% of the purchase price within 5 days. No goat will leave the property without cleared payment in full. We keep the website up to date with any available animals. We guarantee goats are healthy when they leave the farm, but there is no warranty beyond that. All animals, except wethers, will come with ADGA registration papers. Kids will be weaned at about 10 to 12 weeks of age. If goats stay beyond 30 days of puchase, a small daily boarding fee will be added of $2/day.
To be added to a breeding's waiting list requires no deposit until after the kids are born.
If tranportation is needed, buyer is responsible for all shipping costs, any health testing required, and crate (if flying).
Deposits are Non-Refundable.
Wethers (castrated, unregistered bucks) = $100
ADGA Registered Kids = $400+
ADGA Adult Does/Bucks = $400+
Prices will depend on the rating and accomplishments of the goat and its parents.
Discounts may be given to purchases of 4 or more goats.
Kid Pictures By Year
**2024 Kids**
** 2023 Kids **
** 2022 Kids **
** 2021 Kids **

We aim to produce a strong dairy goat with good, functional structure. Our lines include exceptional farms like Old Mountain Farm, Cedar View, Feather N Scale Farm (now Lone Feather), Kaapio Acres, Little Tot's Estate, Rosasharn, Kyeema Ridge, Dawnland, Painted Pepper, CUatLilRedBarn, Meadowmist, Dragonfly, Flat Rock, Piddlin' Acres, Honey Locust, Wood Bridge Farm, Irish Whisper, Zanzabeez, Enchanted Hill, PromisedLand, J-NELS, Caprine Acres, Gypsy Moon, Better Wayz, Sugar Moon, Pecan Hallow, and more.