haflinger haflingers dressage ahr dorset dorsets sheep lamb lambs chickens plymouth rock rocks columbian barred silver penciled honeybees honey bees nucs german shepherds border collies michigan akc abca lesperance glaurung mi ohio oh



About Us

haflinger haflingers dressage ahr dorset dorsets sheep lamb lambs chickens plymouth rock rocks columbian barred silver penciled honeybees honey bees nucs german shepherds border collies michigan akc abca lesperance glaurung mi ohio oh haflinger haflingers dressage ahr dorset dorsets sheep lamb lambs chickens plymouth rock rocks columbian barred silver penciled honeybees honey bees nucs german shepherds border collies michigan akc abca lesperance glaurung mi ohio oh

Stephanie and Dave Lesperance live on a small farm near Detroit Metro Airport in southeastern Michigan. Dave is an electrical engineer, and Stephanie is an orthotist. Stephanie has always loved animals and grew up knowing she wanted to do something with them.

In 2009, we decided to add a flock of production style Polled Dorsets to the farm. We wanted sheep that were good tempered, good mothers, easy birthing, and had multiple births. We strive to improve the flock through EBV's (estimated breeding values) from LambPlan and good record keeping and will continue building our flocker over the next few years.

Stephanie started out in obedience and agility with a small mix breed dog she got at the age of six. The bug bite, and it has become a lifelong passion. She moved on to border collies originally for agility to then love the herding. Then she learned about the different types of German Shepherds, and she got a working line male. At this point we keep a number of dogs, all living in the house, to train and compete with. We have a website dedicated to the dogs linked from the "Our Kennel".

Dave became interested in riding through his late wife. With his first horse Midnight, he did a lot of jumping and hunt paces. Then he got his next horse Legacy as a three year old stud colt, and he started him himself.

Stephanie grew up riding horses in a hunter jumper barn taking lessons. During high school and college years, she took a break to pursue other hobbies and concentrate on school. Then Stephanie aquired Vicki, her first horse, after finishing graduate school. Together she took lessons and learned about dressage. Then she started riding and competing on Legacy.

As time went on, we added animals to our farm and have kept the ones that were the best fit. We have moved on from Dorsets and Scottish Blackface to Nigerian Dwarf goats and Shetland Sheep.

We also decided to add Nigerian Dwarf goats to our farm for their milking abilities, compact size that is easy to handle, and fun personalities. With coronavirus in 2020, our first linear appraisal was canceled. For 2021, we will be doing milk testing and linear appraisal. We may show in the future, but for now we are not and are considering the biosecurity complications for our herd.